Easter Monday - "O foolish, and slow of heart to believe in [those] things which [we] have spoken [on Society of St. Pius X SSPX "disorientation"]!" (from today's Holy Gospel, Lk. 24.13-35)
Guess from which "Novus Ordo" planet OurLadyofVictories (OLVC)-QC, Philippines might have gotten the inspiration for its Maundy Thursday ''altar' of [abomination*]'?
* "Religion clean and undefiled before God...' (St. James 1.27) - our life and actions in conformity with His design, according to His word: "And thou shalt SET UPON THE TABLE [the Bread of life] in My sight always" (Exodus 25.30).
And who among the presbyters there liked it much from its original flavor... IN PINK???

"All of these princes go out of the way, they walk deceitfully, they are brass and iron: they are all corrupted... Call them reprobate silver, for the Lord hath rejected** them" (Jeremias 6.28,30). ** Though validly ordained yet their ministry - like to that of the "New 'priesthood' since Vatican II "disorientation" : Lutheran 'presidency' - is not anymore pleasing to God; God does not operate grace by their hands choosing to do the work of the devil (contrary to God's words) - illicit/illegitimate: no grace-liberating