Teresian Carmel

Teresian Carmel

the Discalced Carmelites
of Traditional Observance
“My sons, God, by His providence, has called us to the Order and number of hermits, and by His special favor we are named the Brethren of the Blessed Virgin Mary… Be steadfast in good, abhor riches, despise the world, and model your lives rightly after the example of Mary and Elias.”
– St. Brocard, second Latin General of the “Order of the Virgin”
Occupied above all things with finding for ourselves the sure road to more
perfect intimate friendship with God - under the Rule of Our Lady of Mount Carmel -
we have given to the world, in the lives and teachings of the Prophets Elias and Eliseus,
of our holy Father St. John of the Cross and of our holy Mother St. Teresa of Jesus, and, especially,
of our dear "Little Therese," the grandest and noblest of lessons by showing
to what man can attain upon the wings of love purified by generous foregoing
of all else less than the good pleasure of the Heart of God; and,
of enthusiasm regulated by the true divine Faith of Apostolic Tradition.
Our Resistance-Carmel is the scene again of that head-on confrontation between our holy Father Prophet Elias and the complicit hierarchy (including the High Priest!) with their mainstream-faithful "halt[ing]" in 'ecumenical' religious harlotry. And our 'un-official' General, successor of the 'un-official' priest of Mount Carmel, the Prophet Elias in conflict with the compromised official hierarchy, has come also to the exposing and battering of the precursor of the Antichrist, perhaps the last Antipope in history - being "THE destroyer... a man uncanonically elected" (St. FRANCIS of Assisi) now banging as hardly as he could get his head on the Chair of the Truth in Rome - with his other “false apostles” (II Cor. 11.13), “clothed round about with purple and scarlet” (Apoc. 17.4), in the service of the idol of the liberal-Modernist “New abNormal” of today, both secular and Vatican II: the ‘ecumenist’-Christ of all 'mercy and compassion' on equal footing with the devil (the Conciliar "Vicarii Christi" walking and praying together with the vicars of the devil – the "New 'Catholic [t]heo...'" at the very foundation of the "New" 'Ordinary' norm of Catholic sanity and sanctity, the "New disOrder of [Worship]" by the Freemason Annibale Bugnini, and of all the revised books, especially the "New 'Missal'", rendering their prayers and blessings "useless" (Fr. G. Amorth, ex-Vatican Chief Exorcist, on the "New Rite of Exorcism" for one even though in Latin and 'approved' by the Pope).
Now that the ruined Tridentine altar of the true God of Apostolic Tradition (Heb. 13.10: “We have an altar…”) is rebuilt [as the Prophet Elias did on Mount Carmel] once again in our midst according to the norms of the “Divino Afflatu” of Pope St. Pius X and the “Quo Primum” of Pope St. Pius V – may this our online presence stand as a means of spreading the fertile beauty of this choice heavenly garden here below basked in the same ancient Light that has shone on it since.
We profess our adherence to the Tradition of the Order, stamped with the authority of CATHOLIC Rome - the pillar and ground of the Truth (I Tim. 3.15), on the divine authenticity of Our Blessed Mother's visitation to Her General with Her great Scapular promise; whereas, the official 'Order of Discalced Carmelites' now dismisses this as the 'liberal'-Modernists do to be a 'myth'.
“Receive, my beloved Son, this Habit of Thy Order [the Scapular]: this shall be to thee and to all the Carmelites a privilege, that whosoever dies clothed in this shall never suffer eternal fire. Behold a sign of peace, a safeguard in danger, a pledge of my eternal alliance.”
– the Immaculata, in Her visitation to St. Simon Stock, then General of Her Order, 16th July 1251
Scapular Promise - for the servants of the Immaculata
The Scapular – the divine shield with which the Apocalyptic Woman originally covers Her “Army of Hermits” [We, Her Teresian (Discalced) Carmelites of Traditional Observance true to the ideal of St. Teresa of Jesus and of St. John of the Cross] is now extended to all the Catholic generations who call Her blessed (St. Lk. 1.48) in its miniature form. Since Her appearance at Fatima, Portugal, She who is to crush the head of the infernal deceiver (Gen. 3.15) is now gathering Her choice “Army” to lead the REST of Her Catholic seed (Apoc. 12.17) – the #CatholicResistance FEW out of the mainstream ‘liberal-Modernist Catholics’ at home as citizens of the secularist “New World abNormal” blanketed by the ‘rainbow’-colored banner of Freemasonry (free-thought, ‘MY say’, same-sex ‘union’, separation of Church & State, gender equality, egalitarianism of lay empowerment and the like) – in Her final battle for this our end-times. Join us – as Her Priest or Brother, Tertiary (those outside our houses following Her Rule for their rule of more perfect Christian life), or Confraternity member.
- "Flos Carmeli"St. Simon Stock's Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mt. Carmel
Flos Carmeli
Vitis florigera
Splendor coeli
Virgo puerpera,
Mater mitis
et viri nescia
Carmelitis da privilegia
Stella Maris!
Flower of Carmel
Vine blossom-laden,
splendour of heaven,
Child-bearing yet maiden,
None equals thee.
Mother so tender,
whom no man didst know,
On Carmel's children
thy favours bestow,
Star of the sea.
Perpetuity of the "Order of the Virgin"
"Have confidence, Peter, for the Institute of the Carmelites+ shall be preserved until the end of time: Elias, your Founder, once implored for it also from my Son."
- Our Immaculate Mother of Carmel, visiting St. Peter Thomas, praying for the preservation and increase of Her Order, on the night of Pentecost
Lectio V, II Nocturno - Office of Matins, RB Proper to the Discalced Carmelites | 28th January, St. Peter Thomas - Carmelite Patriarch of Constantinople and Martyr
+ Not the "Monks of Wyoming" who have been silenced in their cloister against the "false apostles" taking possession of the institutional 'Church' in exchange for their official 'Extraordinary TLM' - not productive of sanctity anyway as the community soon gave way to scandals of 'spiritual direction' and 'confession' in just underwear for one, driving others to flee and form the 'Discalced Hermits...' but also on the same foundation under the compass still of the 'liberal-Modernist' hierarchy; not the 'Carmelites' swallowed up by the error of 'Sedevacantism' (for it is "de fide" - being the unanimous teaching of the Church Fathers enshrined in the Roman Catechism - that the Church cannot be deprived for a long period of time (now more than 50 years!) of its visible "head" though this may get very "sick" : Is. 1.5 - as prefigured: though sick, yet before God still the head by valid canonical succession) also in the Americas; and, not the 'liberal Modernist' "Men in Brown" of Vatican II "New 'Catholic abNormal'" (the official 'Order of Discalced Carmelites') "halting"* with the newfangled 'ecumenical' idol of the 'Pachapapa' (Antipope Bergoglio). *III Kings 18.21 - the Prophet Elias, rebuking the official hierarchy and the people in their 'ecumenical' harlotry - prefiguring Vatican II-religious harlotry (see "Lumen Gentium" par. 16 in "Our Catholic Mandate"): Neo-Catholicism on equal footing with false religions.
Feature updates
"Seduction of iniquity..."
Pachapapa Antipope Francis himself bares openly the butt-head of the devil that he is...
But the incontrovertible Eternal Truth on His Chair at Rome: I Am THE Way, THE Truth, and THE Life. No man cometh to the Father, BUT BY ME (Jn. 14.6).
Traditional Discalced Carmelite Vocation
Few close friends of the Crucified...
The true Teresian Carmelite "cannot enjoy," as the OCDs of Vatican II-religious harlotry do to the contrary, "both God up there and the [liberal-Modernist "New 'Catholic' disOrder" in-sync with the New World abNormal 'paradise' in 'rainbow' colors] down here... - see, Traditional Teresian Ideal
"Ite ad Ioseph... ad monte[m]" (Gen. 41.55; Mt. 24.16)
"How terrible are Thy works, O (truly resurrected) Lord! In the multitude of Thy strength, Thy enemies shall lie to Thee" (from the Introit of our Sacred Tridentine Mass - our pre-1950 'reform' Missal, Ps. 65.3, 3rd after Easter : 21st April 2024).
Elias, the Prophet, stood up as fire and his word burnt like a torch:
Take the [Precursor of the Antichrist]... and let [him] not escape... and kill [him]...
(Ecclesiasticus 47.1; I Kings 18.40)
The Pachapapa Antipope Francis Exposed
The Lord... hath made my mouth like a sharp sword....
and hath made me as a chosen arrow
(from the Introit of the Mass, Is. 49.1,2; Ps. 91.2).
St. John the Baptist did not only prepare the way of the Lord and Savior but also pointed to and introduced the true promised Messias - He Who takes away the sins of the world: Ecce, Agnus Dei Qui tollis peccata mundi.
The world believes that Pope Benedict XVI 'resigned' - but only according to the mainstream-media, the source of 'truth' for those whom, because they have not "love for the truth," God has sent "the operation of error, to believe lying: ...in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish" (II Thess. 2.10). However, The "Declaratio" of 'resignation' read by Pope Benedict XVI is canonically invalid. It was ANOMALOUSLY declared: ".... libertate declaro me ministerio EPISCOPI ROMAE.... renuntiare..." That is, what was only renounced was a MINISTRY and not an OFFICE - even this, that of the Bishop of Rome which is limited, does not necessarily mean the OFFICE OF THE POPE which in turn is universal and supreme in jurisdiction (why, when the Pope speaks only in his capacity as Bishop of Rome, the condition of speaking with Papal Infallibility is denied) : as Pope, he becomes ALSO the Bishop of Rome ---
1) If the Bishopric of Rome was renounced, there would have been no need to state the renunciation of its ministry - common sense apprehends this.
2) Nay, the Pope cannot renounce the functions and all the effects of his office and yet imply that he still retains the right to the office - an absurdity only in the pseudo-Church of Vatican II.
3) Now, if it were the Office of the Pope that was truly renounced, everything else attached to it (as also being the Bishop of Rome and everything else attached to this...) follows! That it did not concern the Office of the Pope is further proved by this statement: "... Ministerio Episcopi Romae... mihi per manus Cardinalium... COMMISSO..." The "ministry of the Bishop of Rome" was, in the "New" abNormal of Vatican II, a mandate to him by the scarlet colored beast (Apoc. 17.3): the 'Cardinals' a large majority of whom are, by their ring, 'Ecclesiastical Freemasons'; whereas, the Office of the Pope, though it is the Cardinals who elect to it the Successor of St. Peter, remains a divine right - the King of kings and Lord of lords confers to the elect the powers of the Office upon his free acceptance of the charge.
As to the purported reason for the 'resignation': ".... Vigor... in me modo tali minuitur...." - his appearance, concelebrating, at the post-Conciliar ceremony of 'exemplifying' Popes John XXIII and John Paul II to the 'liberalist' Protestantized Neo-Catholic 'world' belies an 'incapacitatingly' ("incapacitatem meam") 'deterioration of strength'. His last public address in his retirement place did not prove to be "the last time that he would be seen in public."
Pope Benedict XVI, in not willingly and freely renouncing formally the Office, remains, before the eyes of God, the visible head of Catholic Church. And 'Pontifex' Bergoglio after all this - Ecce! A charlatan indeed - an antipope - installed by the gang of 'Ecclesiastical Freemasons' (see related post: The powers of heaven shall be moved) to 'take away the remaining traditional vestiges of the Catholic Papal Monarch'.
See how Antipope Bergoglio finally betrayed the son of the devil that he is: "'Pontifex' to the Catholic Christ: 'Thou art an embarrassment.'"
Originally published "Sagittam Electam I," 24th June 2014 @ ignis-dei.blogspot.com*. Related post, scripted 'last Consecration' of Russia by Pope John Paul II.
*Google's BlogSpot.Com has already shut down our "Ignis Dei" after more than 13 years giving notice that it now suddenly violates their [and of course the New World disOrder's] 'community standards and guidelines' : proof that what we've beeing sowing under the term CatholicResistance is offensive to the world and its infernal masters opposed to the Sovereign Lord : what we feed is of the hands of Him Who Is The Eternal Truth (from the Holy Gospel of Sexagesima Sunday) stirring and drawing souls (given the growing direct traffic from our FB page and this our official online site providing the blog link) to repel the sowers of the devil. Deo grstias!
The Pachapapa welcomes and honors the demon of the idol pachamama at St. Peter's Basilica
4th October 2022, Feast of St. FRANCIS of Assisi : "The time is fast approaching in which there will be great trials and afflictions [see "The 'Great Tribulation'" spoken of by Our Lord]; perplexities and dissensions, both spiritual and temporal, will abound [Vatican II revolution - confession within the official 'Catholic' walls of the 'liberal' "Rights of Man" by the Lodge]; the charity of many will grow cold, and the malice of the wicked will increase. The devils will have unusual power [our traditional Tridentine Mass (the pre-1950 'reform' Missal) - the power of the Church against the world, the flesh, the devil and his powers and influence - "taken away" Dan. 12.11], the immaculate purity of our Order, and of others, will be so much obscured [revised by Vatican II so that their spirit and observance may conform with the current of the times] that there will be very few Christians who will obey the TRUE Sovereign Pontiff [Sedevacantism belied!] and the Roman Church with loyal hearts and perfect charity. AT THE TIME OF THIS TRIBULATION, A MAN* [Pachapapa FRANCIS], NOT CANONICALLY ELECTED [see post above on the canonical anomally in the script of 'resignation' Pope Benedict XVI read] WILL BE RAISED TO THE PONTIFICATE, WHO, BY HIS ["DYNAMIC"] CUNNING, WILL ENDEAVOR TO DRAW MANY TO ERROR AND DEATH. Then scandals will be multiplied, our Order will be divided, and many others ["New 'Catholic' abNormal" 'religious' congregations and compromised 'conservatives': FSSP, ICSK, SSPX] will be entirely destroyed [except those others prophesied to last until the end: #CatholicResistance-Discalced Carmelites, Dominicans, Benedictines] because THEY WILL CONSENT TO ERROR INSTEAD OF OPPOSING IT. There will be such diversity of opinions and schisms among the people, the religious and the clergy, that, except those days were shortened, according to the words of the Gospel, even the elect would be led into error, were they not specially guided, amid such great confusion, by the immense mercy of God. Then our Rule and manner of life will be violently opposed by some, and terrible trials will come upon us. Those who are found faithful will receive the crown of life; but WOE TO THOSE WHO, TRUSTING ONLY THEIR [institutional] ORDER [attachment to the institution, rather than suffer exile just to adhere to the Absolutist God who hates "getting-along" relativists], shall fall into tepidity, for they will not be able to support the temptations permitted for the proving of the elect. Those who preserve their fervour and adhere to virtue with love and zeal for the truth, will suffer injuries and persecutions as rebels and schismatics; for their persecutors, urged on by the evil spirits, will say they are rendering a great service to God by destroying such pestilent men from the face of the earth. But the Lord will be the refuge of the afflicted, and will save all who trust in Him. And in order to be like their Head, these, the elect, will act with confidence, and by their death will purchase for themselves eternal life; choosing to obey God rather than man, they will fear nothing, and they will prefer to perish rather than consent to falsehood and perfidy. Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it under foot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a destroyer." - from the "Works of the Seraphic Father St. Francis Of Assisi" (R. Washbourne, Paternoster Row, London: 1882), pp. 248-250 | * The merciful Triune God of our Apostolic Tradition, that His elect may not even be deceived, made the precursor of the Antichrist goof up still in identifying himself by way of nominal reference to the Saint pointing him out (though by usual diabolical sleight of 'dynamic' trickery: as if 'in honor' of the holy man of God).
When the Antipope 'Consecrates' to the Immaculata
'Umble Servant' of the Eternal Word?
Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to thy word (St. Lk. 1.28)
'Consecration' bound to fail and to draw down greater calamity - "Be not deceived, God is not mocked" (Gal. 6.7)
Pachapapa Bergoglio >> ANTIPOPE Francis - false, pretended Pope - to 'consecrate' to the Heart of the Immaculata (who crushes infernal proud pretenders) "[his impenitent gang], the Church and all humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine" (from the English transcript "obtained by CNA" and published also by the "Catholic World Report" of 22nd March). Impenitent, for as yet he diabolically persists when he knew very well the doctrine of the Church Fathers and the Doctors as synthesized by St. Alphonsus Liguori:
1) "To think of exercising royal [Papal] authority is, according to St. Peter Chrysologus, CRIMINAL in a subject [as intrusion even into a private house to dispose the goods and manage the business of another is temerity]. And will you, says St. Bernard, without being called... by God [as legitimate successor to the Chair of St. Peter], intrude into His house to charge of His interests and dispose His goods?"
2) The Sacred Council of Trent "has declared that the Church regards not as her minister, but as a robber, the man who audaciously assumes [such supreme clerical post] without a vocation." "Such [men]," according to St. Alphonsus, "may labor and toil, but their labors shall profit them... before God [?] ...Instead of being rewarded he SHALL BE CHASTISED by the Master.... Thus, IN THE FIRST PLACE, BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT CONFORMABLE TO THE DIVINE WILL...," quoting the Prophet Malachi and the Book of Numbers, "I have no pleasure in you, saith the Lord of Hosts, and I will not receive a gift of your hand <1.10>.... What stranger soever cometh to it, SHALL BE SLAIN <1.51; therefore, that mocking idiotic infernal dung-head shall be slaughtered ahead of Pope Benedict XVI as is the divine judgment pronounced in the Book of Psalms against that apostate and his gang with their mainstream-'loyalists': "the children of the kingdom cast into exterior darkness."> "He who... climbeth up another way, the same is a thief and a robber" (St. Jn. 10.1).
Now, granting otherwise [the canonical validity of a Pope Francis] but only including Russia in the 'consecration' - contrary to the demand of the "Catholic God," the Most Blessed Trinity, as given by the Apocalyptic Woman at Fatima: SPECIFIC consecration of Russia. >> True ministers of God, as "angel[s] of the Lord of hosts" (Mal. 2.10), like the blessed Archangel Gabriel sent by God to the blessed Virgin Mary, execute the command of the Triune God according only to the specific terms of the command - more or less than those is a diabolical distortion. The seemingly Pope Francis is like Eve fallen into the trap of the ancient deceiver who, before lulling Adam into subjection to the devil, distorted God's command: "lest PERHAPS we die" (Gen. 3.3).
Then the official Archivist at Fatima, Father Joaquin Alonso, a Claretian priest, appointed by Bishop John Venancio of Fatima in 1966 to establish a complete critical history of the revelations states on the authentically Papal consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart : “… We should affirm that Lucia always thought that the ‘conversion’ of Russia is not to be limited to the return of the Russian people to the Orthodox Christian religions, rejecting the Marxist atheism of the Soviets, but rather, it refers purely, plainly and simply to the total, integral conversion of Russia to the one true Church of Christ, the CatholicChurch.” ( La Verdad sobre el Secreto de Fatima, Fatima sin mitos, “… conversion total e integral de un retorno a la unica y verdadera Iglesia, la catolica-romana .”). This testimony is not the private theological musing of Fr. Alonso. The conversion referred to is unequivocally understood in its singular orthodox Catholic sense as is consistently taught by the Chair of Peter (cf. Satis Cognitum and Testem Benevolentiae Nostrae of Pope Leo XIII, Mortalium Animos of Pope Pius XI, and the Dec. 20, 1949 Instruction of the Holy Office on Ecumenism issued by Pope Pius XII). Clearly, Our Blessed Mother came to Fatima, Portugal to uphold the Catholic dogma that only the Roman Catholic Church is the one true Church of Christ – to be attacked, 45 years later, when the other Apocalyptic portent, Satan, symbolized by the great red dragon (Apoc 12.3) which appeared in November 1917, would have finally “entered the temple of God” (Pope Paul VI, June 29, 1972 speech to the Lombard Seminary in Rome) through the “churchmen”-dummies of the Synagogue of Satan (Apoc 2.9) overturning the Second Vatican Council and imposing the doctrine of “Ecumenism” of no return! Is Pachapapa Bergoglio, and his gang, finally forsaking Vatican II from its very foundation?? "Queen of the Human Family, show people the path of FRATERNITY..." >> according to the terms of the "New One-World disOrder" of Freemasonry still or back to the one same orthodox Catholic sense as laid down but by the Catholic Holy See of the 'triumphalistic' Tridentine Order? "Queen of the Rosary, make us realize our need to pray and TO LOVE..." or rather to do "Penance, penance, penance!" (as the Apocalyptic Woman emphatically reiterates)? "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unjust man his thoughts..." (Is. 55.7) "We would have cured [them], but [they are] not healed: let us forsake [them], and let us go every man to his own land: because [their] judgment hath reached even to the heavens, and is lifted up to the clouds.... they provoked Me, and would not hearken to Me: they did not every man cast away the abominations of His eyes, neither did they forsake [their ecumenical idol - at the heart of their "New disOrder of 'Mass', the foundation of their "New 'Catholic' disOrder"]: and I said I would pour out My indignation upon them, and accomplish My wrath against them" (Ezech. 20.8 ).